JOURNAL AFRICAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY t* Special Supplement No. 6 DECEMBER 1960 THE SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLIES OF EAST AFRICA (LEPIDOPTERA, PAPILIONIDAE) by R. H. Carcasson f. r. e. s. (Entomologist, Coryndon Museum, Nairobi) , , , CkU 1 r- (!<<■ OF THEtt&T PRICE Shs. 7/50 JOURNAL OF THE EAST AFRICAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Special Supplement No. 6 DECEMBER 1960 THE SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLIES OF EAST AFRICA (LEPIDOPTERA, PAPILIONIDAE) by R. H. Carcasson f. r. e. s. (Entomologist, Coryndon Museum, Nairobi) With illustrations by the author. PRICE Shs. 7/50 A A BTDEX almansor - - - 29 angolanus - - - — 27 ansorgei - — -- — 12 antheus - — — — 33 antimachus - - - 7 atavus - ~ - - 24 hr ami us - - - - 16 brontes ~ - - - 16 charopus - - ~ - 14 chrapkowskii -- — — 16 chrapkowskoides - 16 colonna - - — 32 coramixta - - - - 8 congo anus - — — — 11 constant inus — - — 11 crippaianus - - - 13 crocea - - - — 19 cynorta - - - 21 dardanus — — — 9 demodocus - - - — 20 echerioidas - - - 22 f lavicornis - - - 10 fulleborni - - - 23 Graphium - - - 25 gudenusi - — — — 31 hesperus - - — 13 hornimani - - - — 14 jacksoni - - - 23 joiceyi — — — 24 juventus - - - — 15 kirbyi — — — 31 latreillianus - - 28 leonidas - - - - 31 leucotaenia - - - 18 lormieri - - - 19 lyaeus - - - 18 mackinnoni - - - 14 mechowi - - - - 20 meseres - - — 10 mimiticus - _ - - 8 mont icolus - - - 11 mweruana - - - 11 nireus - — - - 18 nobilis - - - - 12 nyikanus - - - 12 ochracea - - — 10 oph.idiceph.alus - 19 Papilio - — 4 parvae - - - — 7 pel odor us - - — 13 philonoe - - — 30 phorcas - — — — 11 policenes - - - 32 polistratus - — 32 polytrophus — 9 porthaon - - — 33 pseudonireus - — 18 pylades - — — — 27 rex - — 8 ridleyanus - - - 27 ruandana - - — 23 ruscoei - - - — 12 schoutedeni - - 28 sjostadti - - 23 sosia - - - - 17 taboranus - 26 theorini - - - 28 thuraui - - - 15 tibullus - - - 10 ucalegon - - - 28 ufipa - — 16 Uganda - — - — 29 vesper - - - — 13 whalleyi - - — 30 whitnalli - - - 21 zenobia - - - - 21 zoroastres - - - 24 1 asp fw hw ups Aa&l angle Anal vein Basal Cilia DiseaX area Distal Fringe Frons Xnternarvular Palpi Proximal Subapical Submar ginal Sub terminal Subspecies or race Terminal ABBREVIATIONS and SYMBOLS used in this work® ~ subspecies ~ forewing — hindwing - upperside uns - underside d - male § - female GLOSSARY Tornuss Vein arising from base of wing, below diseoidal cell® Portion of wing1 nearest to the body® Long hair-like scales at margin of wings® .Area of the wings immediately outside the diseoidal cells® Away from the centre of the insect® See Cilia® Area in front of head, between the eyes® Between two reins® Short projections below the head? between which the tongue is coiled® Towards the centre ot the insect® Just inside apex of wing* Just inside margin of wing®. See submarginal Local population which differs constantly from others, but not enough to be a species® Touching the margin® SMUHSUI'llAN M&R | ts ioa| INSTITUTION MAK a j 2 INTRODUCTION The family Papilionidae ( Swallowtail s) is represented in East Africa by 43. species* just over half the number described from the Ethiopian Region, The Papilionidae are found throughout the world and the tropical areas of the Oriental Region and of South America are particularly rich in species. Only the typical subfamily Papilioninae, numbering some 450 species, including some of the largest and most beautiful butterflies in the world, is represented in Africa, The Papilioninae are easily recognised by the following characters : Front legs fully developed in both sexes; discoidal cell of both wings closed distally; only one anal vein in hw; palpi very shor‘d frons vary hairy. The African Swallowtails belong to two genera, Papilio and Graphium. There is a single species of the Oriental and Neotropical genus Atrophaneura in Madagascar, The majority of the African Swallowtails are forest dwellers and the largest number of species is to be found in the equatorial forest belt of the Congo and West Africa, Several endemic species occur in Madagascar, in the Comoro islands and in Mauritius. EARLY STAGES. Egg Smooth, nearly spherical, laid singly. Larva Smooth, with thoracic segments swollen. When alarmed the larvae extrude a brightly coloured Y shaped organ (osmeterium) which emits a repulsive odour. There are five changes of skin (instars). Most larvae of Papilio feed on plants of the family Rutaceae, whereas Graphium larvae feed on Anonaceae. CHRYSALIS Usually the chrysalis (pupa) has two projections in front and several lateral and dorsal projections. It is attached in an upright position by its anal extremity (Cremaster) and held in position by a thread of silk round the middle. 3 In this paper all the species known to occur in Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika have been illustrated and dealt with in the text. African species not recorded from East Africa are mentioned in their proper taxonomic sequence and their distribution is given, thus enabling the reader to understand the relationship between the East African Papilionid fauna and that of the rest of Africa. Venation of PAPILIO Venation of GRAPHIUM Family PAPILIOHIDAE Subfamily PAPILIOIOTAE Key to East African genera. 11 veins in fw, GRAPHIUM Scopoli 12 veins in fw PAPILIO Linnaeus 4 Key to the East African specie® of Papilio. — Hw without tail at vein 4 ............g*.... ...... ....... 22—63 - Hw tailed at vein 4| tail always more or less lohed, never straight and narrow 1—21 1 Ground colour yellow 5-6 2 Ground colour black, with pale yellow or white markings 7-19 3 Ground colour black, with markings green.............. (6) phorcas $ o 4 Ground colour black, light markings metallic blue .... 20—21 5 Dark markings black .............. (4)dardanus $ S Dark markings rusty brown or absent (7) nobilis £ 12 Submarginal light spots present in both wings above... 14-I5 13 Light discs! spots in hw only ........................ 16—17 14 Large yellow spot in fw cell above.(5)constantinus $ g 15 No light areas in cell of fw above.......... .......... ..................... ( 6 ) phorcas f. thersander ^ 16 Pale disoal spots in areas 2 and 5 of hw above absent. (8) hasp eras £ ^ 17 Pale discaX spots in areas 2 and 5 of hw present .... .......... ......... ............... (9) pelodorus 8 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 5 A large, bold yellow spot in cell of fw above (29) ephidioephalus d ^ No such spot; at meet a faint , ill defined streak »* ••....*•» (28) lormieri ^ Blue band reaches hw margin in area lb • • (14) char opus S o Blue band does not reach, hw margin in area lb *®a®* • ••»••••««••••••••••••••••»»••• (13) hom.iman.1 0 o Abdomen very long, reaching level of anal angle of hw »®. . (l) S g Abdomen does not reach level of anal angle of hw. .. 24—63 Blue and red ©y@ spots present on (33) demodocus So Blue and red ©ye spots on hw absent ... 26—63 Ground colour black, light areas blue 53—63 Light areas white, yellow or orange ...... 28—52 No brown or orange basal area on hw below . (4) dar damns ^ Basal portion of costa on hw below orange; base of cell white a®..*®...®.®.*..®....®*#..® (3) rex S (j> Basal area of hw below, including cell, brown or orange brown 31—52 Continuous thick black streak in area 7 of hw below, from base to distal edge of dark basal area . ....® ...... (35) mechowi A thin black streak in area 7 occupies distal half of dark basal area only; sometimes accompanied by a small black dot near base. . (46) gjdstedti <$ 0 2 heavy black spot® in base of area 7 of hw below, the distal spot more or less elongated® ...» .. ... .. 34-52 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 6 No faint dark streaks in distal half of cell on hw "below. . ...(37) zenobia c? 9 2 or 3 faint dark streaks on distal half of cell on hw below 36-52 White spots on hw above absent or reduced to int ernervular f r inges. 39-42 White spots on hw above touch, or nearly touch margin. . 43-44 White spots on hw above well inside margin............. 45-52 A prominent pale preapical bar on fw above...... (41) cynorta 9 No such bar... 41-42 Pale median band 12-15 mm. wide at inner margin of fw above... (41) cynorta 6 Pale median band 5~7 mm. wide at inner margin of fw above. ...... (45) fulleborni d Pale areas arranged in a straight median band..... (43) echerioides <3 Pale areas not arranged in a straight median band ...... (45) fulleborni 9 Pale areas arranged on a straight median band.......... 47-48 Pale areas not arranged in a straight median band 49-52 Pale areas piire white j usually a white spot in fw cell above and an extra white streak at base of area 6 xn f w (47 ) ^ or o a s tr e 3 d Pal® areas somewhat creamy 5 no white spot in cell, no extra spot at base of area 6..... (44) jacksoni 6 White apical spot touches fw margin... 51~52 White apical spot doe® not touch fw margin (44) jacksoni $ hiatal half of hw above uniformly black. (43) echerioides 9 7 52 Distal half of hw above mainly dark brown, black near- costa only.9S»«,.9.,...,.» .... (47) soroaatres 9 53 Blue median band always present in both wings, above. oe 55”^3 54 Blue median, band, absent} complete series of blue submarginal spots in both, wings...* (20) thuraui <5 9 55 Median band greenish blue.............. 57-60 5 6 Median band pur© blue, without green tinge, never less than 8 mm. wide in area lb of fw. 61-63 57 No submarginal white spots in fw below................ 59“80 58 White submarginal spots always present, sometimes faint............. (19) bromius bromius 6 9- 59 Median band irregular, never wider than 6 mm. in lb of fw, nearly always much less..... (23) nireus 6 9 60 Median band straight and regular, never less than 7 mm. in lb of fw2 nearly always much wider. (22) sosia 6 9 61 Hw below very dark brown, without paler mottling....... (l8) hrontes <5 62 Hw below mottled. ...... (19) bromius chrapkowskii 6 9 6 3 The females of hrontes and chrapkowskii differ from the males in being very much paler below, without the characteristic chain of silvery spots on the hw} they are practically indistinguishable, hut no confusion is possible because they never occur together. 1 PAP1LX0 ANTXMACHUS Drury (Pl.l,fig.l) Drury (lll.Exot.Ins. 3,P«l) 1782. RANGE Heavy forest from Sierra Leone to the Congo and W. Uganda. Sap. antimachua Drury RANGE West Africa. Sap. parva Jackson(j. E.Afr. Hat. Hist. Soc. 989p.72) 1956. A very large butterfly with long narrow wings.Orange brown with black markings, resembling a gigantic DESCRIPTION 8 Aoraea. Average length of fw 95 mm. in par va ,107 in antiraachus, which is the largest African butterfly and indeed, one of the largest in the world. HANGS Forests of W. Uganda and probably E. Congo; rare, female very rare. BB CORDS Uganda; Kalinzu (Ankole) ,Kayonza (Kigezi) ,Bwamba (Toro), Kibale forest (Toro). 2 PAPILIO SA.LMOXIS Hewitson ( Exot. Butt. Pap. t. 6)1864 . RANGE Nigeria to the Congo. 3 PAPILIO REX Oberthur (Pl.l, fig .2) Oberthur (Bull.S.Rr. {€) 6,p.ll4) 1885. RANGE Highland forests of East Africa, Ethiopia, E. Congo, S. Sudan and C&meroons. Ssp. rex Oberthur DESCRIPTION A large species which mimics Melinda formosa formosa Godn. particularly in the £. Black, with numerous white markings; base of fw orange brown, sometimes black with a white streak in d'; ^ haa the orange brown area always present and larger, f .rex Ob. was described from Kilimanjaro and has orange brown base to fw; f. regulus Le Cerf (1919) from Kenya, has an ochreous base to fw and was originally described as a ssp. However, as both the Kilimanjaro and Kenya populations show great variability in the colour of the base of the fw, they must be regarded as members of a single sap. RANGE Highland forest in Kenya East of the Rift and in N. Tanganyika RECORDS Kenya ; Nairobi, Thomson* s Falls, Nyeri, Meru, Kikuyu Escarpment . Tanganyika : Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru. Ssp. mimeticus Rothachild (EntomolQg.30,p.l65) 1^97 DESCRIPTION White markings smaller than above; basal area of fw dark red brown. Mimics M. formosa mercedonia Karsch. RANGE Uganda, E. Congo. RECORDS Uganda ; Kampala, Jinja, Fort Portal, MuXange, Kibale forest (Toro) , Busia* Ssp. commixta Aurivillius( Seitz Macrolep.l3*P»12) 1908 . DESCRIPTION Similar to above, but basal area of fw paler. RANGE Highlands of western Kenya. RECORDS Kenya i Kakamega, Kaimosi, Kitale, Elgon, Cherangani. 9 (4) PAPILIO DARDANUS Brown (P1.2,f igs.l, 2, 3, 4,5. ) Brown (ill.Zool.p. 52) 1776 . RANGE Forested, areas throughout the Ethiopian Region. Females of the Abyssinian, Comoro and Madagascar races (antinorii Ob. , bumble ti Ob. and meriones Feld.) are tailed and similar iso the males; elsewhere the females are tail- less, usually mimetic and incredibly variable. Ssp. dardanus Brown0 DESCRIPTION cF"large, tailed, pale yellow with black border to fw and black markings in discal and submarginal area of hw. Tail yellow with dark streak along vein 4* g always tail-less | the principal g forms ares f. hippocoon Fab® s black and white, imitates Amaur is niavius nlavius L» , by far the commonest form, f. acenides Le Cerf * has a black fw with white markings and a pale ochreous hw with black border and white submarginal spots® It is a generalised mimic of several species of Amaur i a of the ©ckeria group; it may be separated from the ^ p of the echerioides group by the absence of the sharply truncated chestnut basal area on the hw below® f. trophonissa Aurivillius: mainly bright orange with black markings and a white subapioal bar; imitates D.chrysippus f * chrysippus L. f. niobe Aur. i as above, but all light markings bright orange • f . planemoides Trimen; fw mainly bright orange, hw white with a black border. Imitates several species of Bematistes. RANGE W. Africa and Angola to the Congo, Uganda and Kenya west of the Rift Valley; occurs in all forested areas. xanthocaudatus Stoneham® ,from the Trans-Nzoia must be regarded as a d1 form of this race. Ssp. polytrophus Rothschild & Jordan (Nov. Zool. 10, p.488) 1903. DESCRIPTION cT smaller than above; amount of black on hw variable^ but usually more than in dardanus .Tail lacks dark central streak, but usually has dark edges*, nairobianus Stoneham must be treated aa a d* form of this race; polytropus is intermediate between dardanus and tibullus Kirby. £ f . hippocoonoides Haase corresponds with hippocoon Fab. f . cenea Stoll corresponds with acenides Le Cerf . $ lamborni Pool ton is similar to trophonissa Aur., 10 but has a pale yellow subapical bar and some yellow in the fw cell* $ salaami Suffer t i ill light areas orange; corresponds with niob® Aurivillius. <55 f « trimeni Poul ton is similar to hippocoonoides Haase but has all light areas pale yellow. Sapa has a greater variety of ^ forms than any other race and many of them are imperfect mimics. RANGE Highland forest in central Kenya. RECORDS Kenya Nairobi, Nyeri, Nanyuki, Kikuyu escarpment, Aberdares, Gil Gil, Thomson's Falls. Ssp. tibullua Kirby (Proc.R. Dublin Soc. (2) ,2,p.338)l88Q. DESCRIPTION All dark markings very well developed in dP. A broad, entire black discal band in hw. ^ £ as above, but not so variable; imperfect mimics, rare. RANGE Coastal district from Kenya to Delagoa Bay; inland to Ukamha, Kilimanjaro, Southern Highlands of Tanganyika, Ny a sal and and S. Rhodesia. Sap. flavicornis Carpenter (Proc.R. Ent. Soc. (B)l6(5-6)p. 55) 1941. DESCRIPTION Differs from all other races in having yellowish brown antennae in both sexes. S' larger than two preceeding races, with very prominent terminal yellow lunules on fw. The commonest g form resembles cenea Stoll, but has all light markings deep ochreous yellow and mimics Amauris echeria. septentrionis Poulton. RANGE Mt.Kulal, south east of Lake Rudolf. Ssp. oohracea Poulton (Proc.R. Ent. Soc. 27-28) 1924. DESCRIPTION cf very similar to above, but has black antennae; g variable ;the dominant- form (oohracea Poulton) has all pale areas deep ochreous yellow and imitates Amauris echeria septentrionis Poulton. RANGE Mt.Harsabit, in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya. Ssp. me seres Carpenter ( Proc.R. Bnt. Soc. (B) 17(1-2) p. 11 ) 1948. DESCRIPTION A variable race, intermediate between dardanus and polytrophus, but has the same genitalial characters as polytrophus and the other Eastern races (presence of a strong spine on inner side of valve). & very variable. RANGE Southern and eastern shores of Lake Victoria. RECORDS Kenya; Sun a (Kisii), Masai Reserve, Mara River. Tanganyika: Mwaya, Mwanza, Bukoha, Ukerewe Island. 11 NOTE Only a few of the most important g forms of dardanns are mentioned above. Over 40 forms have been described , many of which are trivial modifications of the basic forms. (5) PAPILIO CONSTANTINUS Ward ( PI. 5, fig. 3) Ward (Ent.M.Mag.8,p.34) 1871. RANGE Dry woodland and riverine forest from Natal and the Transvaal to Mozambique, Nyasaland, Rhodesia, Katanga, Tanganyika, Kenya and Ethiopia. Ssp. constantinus Ward. DESCRIPTION Dark brown with pale yellow markings; orange and blue eye spots of hw absent; sexes alike. RANGE The specific range, excluding Katanga, N. Rhodesia and inland areas of Kenya. In East Africa it occurs below 4000 ft., in the eastern districts of Kenya and Tanganyika. RECORDS Kenya ; Mtwapa Creek, Masongaleni, Kibwezi, Voi, Kilifi, Shimha Hills, Diani, Moyale. Tangany ika : Mo shi, Ssp. monticolus Le Cerf (Bull. Hill Mus.I,3»P» 387) 19‘24- DESCRIPTION Smaller than the nominate race, yellow markings broader . RANGE High country in central Kenya. RECORDS Kenya : Kikuyu Escarpment, Nairobi, Kedong River. Ssp. mweruana Joicey & Talbot (Enc.Ent .B3,Lep. 2, p. 1)1926. DESCRIPTION As large as the nominate race, hut yellow markings broader. RANGE Katanga and Rhodesia. No definite records of this race are available from East Africa, but its occurence in S.W. Tanganyika is probable. (6) PAPILIO PHORCAS Cramer (PI. 3, figs. 2, 3.) Cramer (Pap.Exot.I,p.4) 1775- RANGE Forested areas throughout Africa, excluding Ethiopia and Africa south of the Zambesi. Ssp. phorcas Cramer. RANGE Sierra Leone to Nigeria. Ssp. congoanus Rothschild (Nov.Zool.3»p*325) 1896. DESCRIPTION (S' black with bright green discal band. A green spot always present in area 5 of fw; There are two forms of the q ; the typical one is like the c? , the other is dark 12 brown with a yellow discal band and a complete series of yellow submarginal spots (f.ther sander Fabricius. ) RANGE Cameroona to Congo and Uganda* RECORDS Uganda; Bwamba (Toro), Kibale Forest (Toro), Mubende, Kalinzu, Kampala, Entebbe, Sango Bay, Kayonza, Jinja. Ssp® ruseosi Bryk & Kruger(Zool.Auz.Leipzig,74#P»77)l927* DESCRIPTION Somewhat smaller than proceeding race; green band narrower* This race is transitional between Congo anus and ansorgei Roths, and is of doubtful validity* RANGE West Kenya, E® Uganda. RECORDS Kenya : Kakamega, Tiriki, Kaimosi, Kitale, Elgon, Cher angani, Kericho, Sotik. NOTE P.nandina Rothschild 1901 is an aberration of this race in which the light area is pale yellow and the discal band is joined to a large yellow spot in the cell of the fw. Ssp. ansorgei Rothschild (Nov.Zool.3#P»324) 1898. DESCRIPTION As above, but no green spot in area 5 of fw.There is a common aberration in which the light area is very pale# sometimes nearly white. $ f . t her sandro ides Aurivillius corresponds with ther sander Fabricius. RANGE Very common in all the highland forests in central Kenya; does not occur at the coast, or at Marsabit. Ssp* nyikanus Rothschild & Jordan (Nov.Zool.lO,p.489) ' 1903. DESCRIPTION Larger than above; green spot in area 5 usually present; green spots in 6 and 7 fw smaller than in other races. Light areas often have a strong bluish tinge; submarginal spots better developed than in other races. RANGE Highland forest in Tanganyika and Nyasaland. RECORDS Tanganyika : Lushoto, Amani, Mt.Meru, Kondoa, Dabaga, Mt.Rungwe (iffheya) . NOTE Casphor Suffert (iris 17 ?P*97#1904) is an aberration from Tab ora * (7) PAPILIO NOBXLXS Rogenhofer (P1.3,fig.l) . Hog@oh.ofer (Yerh.z.b.Ges.Wien 41#P«5^3) 1891* RANGE Forests up to 8 000 ft. in Kenya, N. Tanganyika, Uganda, S. Sudan, E® Congo, Ruanda Urundi. Ssp®, nobilia, Rogenhofer. DESCRIPTION Deep ochre yellow with reddish brown markings; ^ heavily marked than e?. RANGE Highland forest in Kenya and N. Tanganyika. more 13 RECORDS Kenya t Trans-Nzoia, Thomson8 s Palls, Nyeri, Nanyuki, Aber dares, Nairobi (common), Kikuyu Escarpment, Uplands, Katamayo,Kakamegaa Apparently not at Marsabit and absent at the coast® Ssp, crippsianus Stoneham (Bull.Stoneham Mus.27) 1936. DESCRIPTION All brown markings with the exception of costal spot in hw, dull whitishf ^ similar to that of the nominate race® RANGE W.Uganda and Kivu® RECORDS Uganda ; Mitano Gorge, Kalinzu forest, Port Portal. NOTE There is a c? in the Coryndon Museum collection from the Mabira forest ( Jin j a, Uganda ) , which has a very pale ground colour, but very dark markings and approaches the form iQPoyl Berger, described from Kivu® Mr (8) PAPILIO HESPERUS Westwood (P1.6,f ig.5) . Westwood (Arc.Ent.l , p.l89) 1843. RANGE Heavy forest from Sierra Leone to the Congo, Uganda and S. Sudan in the north, and from Angola to Katanga and N. Rhodesia in the south. Ssp. hesperus Westwood. DESCRIPTION Black with pale yellow markings § ^ larger and paler with an orange spot at tornus of hw. RANGE The specific rang®, excluding Sierra Leone and the S. Sudan. RECORDS Uganda 1 Jinja, Kampala,Entebbe,Mubende,Kayonza,Kalinzu, Sango Bay, Budongo. Tanganyika? Bukoba . (9) PAPILIO PELODORITS Butler (PX.6,fig.^) . Butler (Proc.Zool.So.Lond. 1895>P»720)« RANGE Highland forest in Nyasaland, southern and eastern Tanganyika. Ssp®, pelodorus Butler. RANGE Nyasaland. Ssp. vesper Le Cerf (Bull, Hill Mus.l, 3?P» 383) 1924» DESCRIPTION Yery similar to P® hesperus Westw. , but has an extra yellow spot in area 2 and another in area 5 of hw and one or two orange dots at the tornus in both sexes. 14 RANGE Highland forest in eastern and southern Tanganyika. RECORDS Tanganyika :Lushoto, Amani, Mufindi. (10) PAPILIO EUPHRANOR Trimen (Trans.Ent .Soc.Lond. l868,p.70). RANGE South Africa. (11) PAPILIO MACKINNONI E. Sharpe (P1.3,fig-4) E. Sharpe (Proc.Zool. Soc.Lond. l891,p-l87). RANGE Highland forest in East Africa, Ruanda Ur undi,E. Congo, Katanga, N. Rhodesia and Angola. Ssp. mackinnoni E.Sharpe. DESCRIPTION ^ very dark hr ovm, nearly black with a continuous series of large yellow spots from apex of fw to area 2 of hw. £ larger, paler, without row of pale gold spots on hw below. RANGE Highlands of Kenya, Uganda, Ruanda Ur undi,E. Congo and north- west Tanganyika. RECORDS Kenya: Kitale, Nyeri, Elgon, Tiriki,Uplands,Meru,Mt .Kenya, Nairobi, Gil Gil , Thomson* s Falls,Rumuruti,Kakamega,Subukia, Kericho. Uganda : Fort Portal ,Kayonza. (12) PAPILIO DELALANDEI Godart (Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 2) 1823- RANGE Madagascar. (13) PAPILIO HORNIMANI Distant (P1.4,f ig. 3) . Distant (Proc.Zool. Soc.Lond. l879*P-647) • DESCRIPTION Black with metallic blue discal band and submarginal spots. lacks chain of silvery spots on hw below. RANGE Highland forest in E. Kenya and N. Tanganyika. RECORDS Kenya : Chynlu Hills. Tanganyika: Amani (Usambara) ,Lushoto ,Tengeru (Arusha), Mt.Meru. (14) PAPILIO CHAROPUS Westwood (P1.4,fig.6) Westwood (Arc.Ent.l, p.189) 1843- RANGE Forests in West Africa, E. Congo , Ruanda Urundi and W. Uganda. 15 Ssp. charopus Westwood. RANGE Ghana and Cameroons. Ssp. juventus Le Cerf (Bull. Hill Mus.1,3jP.385)1924. DESCRIPTION Similar to above, but smaller and lacks series o^ silvery spots in hw below in both sexes; blue band broader. RANGE North-east Congo and W. Uganda. RECORDS Uganda i Kayonza,Kibale forest. Port Portal. (15) PAPILIO MANGOURA Hewitson (Ent.M.Mag.ll ,p. 226) 1875. RANGE Madagascar. (l6) PAPILIO ORIBAZUS Boisduval (Spec. Gen. Lep.l,p. 233) 1836. RANGE Madagascar. (17) PAPILIO EPIPHORBAS Boisduval (Faune Madag.p.13) 1833. RANGE Madagascar. (18) RANGE PAPILIO AETHIOPS Rothschild & Jordan(Nov.Zool.l2,p.l90) . 1905. Ethiopia. (19) PAPILIO THURAUI Karsch (Pl.l,fig.3) Karsch (Ent.Nachr . 26, p. 126) 1900. DESCRIPTION Tail-less; median band completely absent ; submarginal blue spots large and fully developed in both wings. Sexes alike. Genitalia as in P.bromius Dbl. and very closely allied to that speciesj despite strong superficial differences. RANGE Highland forest in S. Tanganyika. RECORDS Tanganyika ; Muf indi,Njombe,Poroto Mts. (Mbeya) . 16 (20) PAPILIO BROMIUS Doubleday (P1.4,fig.4) Doubleday (AmuMag*N„H.(l$) ,p.!76) 1845. RANGE Forests from. Sierra Leone to Angola, the Congo and East Africa, with a distinct isolated race in Nyasaland (asp. cyclop is R.&.J.) Ss.p» bromiua Doubleday DESCRIPTION Black with a broad median blue band $ small blue suhmarginal spots on fw usually present, white suhmarginal spots on fw below absent, or reduced to traces, g paler and duller* RANGE West Africa and parts of the Congo. RECORDS Uganda : Bwamba Talley (Toro). NOTE Occasional specimens approaching this race, but somewhat smaller, occur elsewhere in Uganda and at Kakamega. Sap. chrapkowakii Suffer t (iris 17yP®98) 1904® DESCRIPTION Smaller than above, blue band narrower. Submarginal spots on fw below well developed. Hw below strongly mottled with silky purplish brown. RANGE Kenya Highlands. Very common in most forest areas above 5000 ft., but apparently absent at Mar sab it , the Chyulu and Teita Hills. Ssp. chrapkowskoides Storace (La£nh.52;tp.9) 1952. DESCRIPTION Very similar to above, but pale mottling and submarginal spots below not so well developed. Cilia of fw black, not white, as in chr apkowskii . A somewhat unstable race with frequent transitions to the two previous races® RANGE Vary common throughout Uganda, Ruanda Urundi, N.W. Tanganyika and the N.E. Congo. Ssp. uf ipa Carcass on (Coryndon Mus.Oco.Pap. 7 ) DESCRIPTION Median band narrower, straight ar .and bluer than in other East African races. Submarginal spots below very large, paler mottling absent. Very similar to P. brontes and can only be determined with certainty by dissection. RANGE Ufipa plateau, S.W.Tanganyika. NOTE See P. brontes. Notes 1 & 2. (21) PAPILIO BRONTES Godman (P1.4»fig.5) Godman. (Proc.Zool.Scc.Lond. l885,p.540). DESCRIPTION Very similar to chrapkowakii , but median band bluer, submarginal spots of fw below large and very white, purplish IT rnottlings on hw below absent. Form desmondi van Someren, described from the Chyulu Hills, has sharp nerval ar indentations at the margin of the blue band in the fw. RANGE Highland forest in Nyasaland, Tanganyika and E. Kenya. RECORDS Kenya ; Chyulu Hills, Teita Hills. Tanganyika ? Amani, Lushoto, Mt.Meru, Dabaga. Mufindi, Poroto Mta. (Mheya) , Njombe, Mt.Rungwe(Mbeya) , Tengaru (Arusha) 9 Uluguru Mts. NOTE I There is a very distinct race of brontes in the Teita Hills (S.E. Kenya) in which the blue band is much broader at the inner margin of the fw, but narrower at the cell. This and other forms of this species will be discussed in a forth- coming papar on the bromiua-brontes complex by Dr.lT.G.L. van Someren. NOTE II Although P.hrontes is very similar to some forms of Pobromiua and has been confused with that species, it has consistently different genitalia and must be treated as a good species. (22) PAPILIO SOSIA Rothschild & Jordan (P1.4,fig.2) Rothschild & Jordan (Nov.Zool. 10, p.488) 1903. RANGE Forests from Sierra Leone to the Congo and Uganda. Ssp. sosia Rothschild & Jordan. RANGE West Africa. Ssp. debilis Storace (Lambillionea LI (1951 ) »n. 5~8 , pp. 47-48) ® DESCRIPTION Similar to typical P«bromius , but somewhat smaller; blue band narrower and much greener, of even width and with straight parallel edges. A complete series of small blue submarginal dots on fw above, Uns very dark, without submarginal spots on fw, but with a series of small white marginal dots. The <5 can always be separated from that of P. nireus L. by the shape of the valve, which is rounded in sosia, but triangular, with a sharp apex in nireus . This character can be observed with the naked eye. The £ cam only be separated with certainty from that of nireus by dissecting the genitalia. RANGE Uganda. RECORDS Tororo, Jinja, Busia, Bwarnha. 18 (23) PAPILIQ NIREUS Linnaeua (P1.4.fig.l) Linnaeus (Syst.Nat.Ed.lO,p.464j 1758. RANGE Very common throughout the Ethiopian Region, with a distinct race in the Comoro islands (aristophontes Oherthur). Ssp. nireus Linnaeus. DESCRIPTION Similar to sosia; median hand greenish, as in sosia, hut narrower and more irregular. Submarginal blue spots in fw usually absent, cilia of fw black, uns as in sosia. § paler and duller, without row of silvery spots on hw below. RANGE West Africa and the Congo. RECORDS Uganda ; Bwamba Valley (Toro). Ssp. lyaeus Doubleday (Ann.Mag.N.H. (l6) ,p.!78) 1845* DESCRIPTION Similar to above, but smaller, blue band narrower, cilia of fw white. In forms dimidiatus Le Cerf and pseudonireoides Storace the median band is even more reduced. RANGE Ubiquitous in eastern and southern Africa. Ssp. pseudonireus Felder (Seise Novar.Lep.p.94) 1865. DESCRIPTION Smaller than above j median band extremely reduced, often not reaching fw cell. Submarginal blue dots of fw usually present. RANGE Ethiopia, Somalia, S. Sudan, N.Karamoja and Northern Frontier District of Kenya. RECORDS Kenya; Moyale. (24) PAPILIO PHORBANTA Linnaeus (Mant. Plant. p. 525) 1771. RANGE Bourbon and Seychelle islands. (25) PAPILIO MANLIUS Fabricius (Ent.Syst.Suppl. , p.422) 1798. RANGE Mauritius. (26) PAPILIO LEU COTAENIA Rothschild (P1.3,fig.5) Rothschild (Ent.M. Mag. 44, P-249) 1908. DESCRIPTION Very dark sooty grey, nearly black with a broad greenish white median band. £ paler, with broader median hand. Uns intricately variegated in various shades of brown, grey and black. 19 RANGE Montane forest in Ruanda Urundi and Kigezi; rare* RECORDS Uganda ; Mafuga forest (Kigezi). (27) PAPILIO MENESTHEUS Drury (ill.Exot . Ins. 2,p.l5) 1773. RANGE West Africa. (28) PAPILIO LORMIERI Distant (P1.5,fig.l) Distant (Ent.M.Mag.JLl,p. 129) 1874. RANGE Forests from the Cameroons to Angola, the Congo and East Africa. Ssp. lormieri Distant. RANGE West Africa and the Congo. Ssp. crocea Storace (Mem. Soc.Ent.Ital„33>p.l32) 1955* DESCRIPTION A very large tailed species. Blackish with narrow pale yellow median hand and submarginal spots; an orange and blue eye spot at tornus of hw and another at costa. Hw below beautifully marked with blue and orange. Sexes alike. RANGE Uganda and W.Kenya. RECORDS Uganda : All forests below 6000 ft. Kenya : Kakamega, Kaimosi, Tiriki. NOTE Semlikana Le Cerf (Bull. Hill Mus. I, 3 >P. 388,1924) > originally described as a ssp. from the Semliki valley, has a very narrow median band, particularly in the hw. According to Berger (Ann. Mus. Congo Beige 3»I P»39jl950)il is only a varietal from. Semi ikana appears to be the dominant form in the Kalinzu forest (Ankole). (29) PAPILIO OPHIDICEPHALUS Oberthur (P1.5,fig.2) Oberthur (Et .d1 Ent . 3,p.l3) 1878. RANGE Forests from Kenya to South Africa. Ssp. ophidicephalus Oberthur. DESCRIPTION Very similar to above, but pale band much broader; sexes alike. RANGE E. Kenya, eastern and southern Tanganyika and N. Mozambique. RECORDS Kenya :Meru, Donyo Sabuk,Kibwezi and all coastal forests. Tanganyika ;Amani, Morogoro,Abercorn (N. Rhodesia, ) Lake Rukwa, coastal forests. 20 (30) PAPILIO GROSE-SMITHI Rothschild(Ann.Mag.N.H. (9)l7,p,113) 1926, RANGE Madagascar. (31) PAPILIO MORONDAVANA Grose-Smith (Ann.Mag.N.H.(6)7,p,78) 1891. RANGE Madagascar, (32) PAPILIO ERITHONIOIDES Grose-Smith(Ann.Mag.N.H. (6)p,122) 1891. RANGE Madagascar, (33) PAPILIO DEMODOCUS Esper (P1.5,fig,4) Esper (Aust.Schmett, ,p,205) 1798* RANGE Very common throughout the Ethiopian Region, including Madagascar. Prefers open country and cultivation to forest Ssp. demodocus Esper. DESCRIPTION Large, tail-less, pale yellow, mottled and marked RANGE NOTE with black; hw. decorated with a large bluish eye spot at the costa and a blue and red eye spot at the tornus. Sexes alike. Ubiquitous. This species occurs throughout Africa and the islands in the nominate race; only one other race has been described (ssp, bennetti Dixey,l898) and it occurs on the island of Socotra. (34) RANGE PAPILIO DEMOLEUS Linnaeus (Syst.Nat.Ed.10) 1758. India and Arabia. (35) PAPILIO MECHOWI Dewit 2 (P1.6,fig.l) Dewiiz (Berl.Ent.Zeitschr. ,25, p.286) l88l. RANGE Forest region surrounding the Congo basin; Angola, southern and eastern Congo, S. Sudan, Ubangi-Shari, Cameroons and Uganda. In the lower and denser forests of the Congo it is replaced by P.gallienus Distant, with which it has been confused. Ssp. mechowi Dewitz. DESCRIPTION Large, tail-less, Hw -sharply angled at vein 4> a 21 continuous pal© yellow median band in hw, broken into large internervular spots in fw* A series of large , prominent yellow spots at margin of hw. g has a broader yellow band* RANGE The specific range, excluding ©astern and central Uganda® RECORDS W.Uganda i Bwaaaba valley (Toro), Fort Portal, Sap, wkitnalii Neav© (, p.342) 1904* DESCRIPTION Wider median band and larger marginal spots than in the nominate race. RECORDS Uganda S-Badongo forest ,Mabira forest ( Jinja) , Kampala, Entebbe. (36) PAPILIO GALLIENUS Distant (Proc.Zool,Sao,Lond,l879?P®649) * RANGE Nigeria to the Congo* (37) PAPILIO ZENOBIUS Go dart (Enc*Meth. )l8l9. RANGE lest coast, from Sierra Leon© to Angola. (38) PAPILIO MECHOWIANUS Dewitz(Ent*Nachr.ll,p*305) 188$. RANGE Congo and Angola. (39) PAPILIO ZENOBIA Fabricius (P1.6,fig*2) Pabricius (Syst.Ent.p503) 1775* DESCRIPTION Tail -less.} black with a very broad white median bandf in the the median hand usually invades the discoidal cell of the fw* RANGE Forests from Sierra Leone to. the Congo and Uganda. RECORDS Uganda: Kayonza (Kigali), Kibale forest (Toro) , Bwamba(Toro) , Fort Portal. (40) PAPILIO ANDRONICUS Ward (Ent.M.Mag.ll,p. 305} 1871. RANGE Cameroona. (41) PAPILIO CINORTA Fabricius (PI. 8, figs. 3 & 6) Fabricius (Ent*Syst.,3*p.37) 1793- RANGE Ftom Sierra Leone to Angola, the Congo, Uganda and W. Kenya | represented in Ethiopia by ssp. arnoldi Foul ton. A forest species* 22 Ssp. cynorta Fabricius. DESCRIPTION o black with a broad white median band; outer edge of band straighter than in P.zenobia. The £ mimics several forms of Bematistes epaea Cramer ( Acraeidae) , $ f « i sduva Hi ana Westwood has dark areas nearly biack and the light areas white; rare in E. Africa, $ f »lavochrea Le Cerf has dark areas dark brown, pale areas of fw white, pale band of hw ochreous, with distal margin ill-defined., 5 f.ochro3pila Le Cerf: As above, but all pale areas ochreous yellow. 9- f« peculiar is Neave: All pale markings very reduced; the commonest form in East Africa. In ssp. arnoldi Poulton from Ethiopia the ^ is a mimic of Amauris niavius L. (Danaidae). All the £ forms of cynorta may be separated from the 5 ^ of P, dardanus Brown by the presence of a truncated orange brown basal area on the hw below. This basal area is present in both sexes of all the species of the mechowi, cynorta, echerioides, sjostedti group. RANGE The specific range, excluding Ethiopia. RECORDS Uganda : Katera, Bwamba, Kibale forest, Kayonza, Tororo, Kalinzu, Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja. (42) PAPILIO FLAGIATUS Aurivillius (Ent.Tidskr .19, p.183) 1895. RANGE Gamer oons to North Congo. (43) PAPILIO ECHERIOIDES Trimen(P1.7,figs.l & 4) Trimen (Trans. Ent.Soc.Lond.p. 72) 1868. RANGE Forests from Natal to Rhodesia, Nyasaland, East Africa and Ethiopia. Ssp. echerioides Trimen. DESCRIPTION cP similar to cynorta, but the median band, which is very pale yellow^ tapers more strongly towards the apex. The pale spot in area 6 of the fw is always present (usually absent in cynorta) . The £ is a mimic of Amauris echeria Stoll and of A. albimaculata Butler (Danaidae). The fw is black with white spots, the hw black with a large pale ochreous discal area and white submarginal spots. RANGE South Africa to Nyasaland (excluding S.Rhodesia). E. Tanganyika and E. Kenya. RECORDS Kenya :Meru, Nairobi, Chyulu Hills9Emali,Teita, (East of Rift only). 23 Tanganyika ;Kimboza,Turiani,Moshi,Tengeru,Amani,Songea. (44) PAPILIO JACKSON! E. Sharpe (P1.7,*xgs. 2 & 5) E. Sharpe (Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond. l8§l,p.l88). RANGE Montane forests in Kenya, Uganda and E. Congo. Ssp. jacksoni E. Sharpe DESCRIPTION <3 as in ssp. echerioides, but black more sooty, median band narrower, reduced to very well separated spots in fw, white with faint ochreous tinge. 9 as in echerioides, but white apical spot does not touch the margin; white spots in hw in both sexes well inside margin. RANGE Montane forests in Kenya and East Uganda. RECORDS Kenya : Elgon, Cherangani, Kakamega, Nairobi, Thomson* s falls, Lugari, Nyeri, Meru, Uplands. Uganda ; Mbale. Ssp. ruandana Le Cerf (Bull. Hill Mus.l, 3,p. 393) 1924. DESCRIPTION Larger than the nominate race, light markings pure white in P«306, l88o) was described from Angola; despite the fact that the female of joiceyi was described from Uganda, the E. African race appears to be intermediate between homeyeri and joiceyi. Genus ATROPHANEURA Reakirt. (48) ATROPHANEURA ANTENOR Drury (ill.Exot . Ins. 2, p. 4) 1773. RANGE Madagascar. 25 Genus GEAPHIUM Scope! i. Eey to the East African species of Graphium. - Vein 4 of hw prolonged into a long narrow tail 12-23 — Hw without 1-11 X Ups red or "brown with, black markings...*............... .... * .. . • . . . (53} ridleyanus d 9 2 Ups very dark brown with pale olive green or creamy markings | uns bright coppery with conspicuous black spots in hw. ................. (56) latreillianua fflorania and G.taboranus are specifically distinct. Tfee Bergers, Ann.Mus. Congo Beige (3) ,8,1 ,P»5B?!95Q) * (52) GRAPHIUM PYLADES Fabricius (P1.9,figs.2 & 5) Fabricius (Ent.Syst.3,l>P-34) 1793* RANGE A species of aavana and bush country, common throughout most of Africa, excluding Madagascar and the islands. Ssp. angolanu3 Goeze (Entom.Beytr. 31 s87) 1779* DESCRIPTION Very similar to G.taboranus, from which it can be separated by the following characters! sides of abdomen bright ochreous yellow in angolanus , black and white in tabor anus. Sexes alike. RANGE Natal to Angola and the S. Congo in the west, to Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Mozambique ^Tanganyika and E .Kenya in the east. RECORDS Kenya ; All the eastern areas as far inland as Thika and Nairobi. Tanganyika : Throughout , with the exception of the extreme north-west, Ssp. pylades Fabricius, DESCRIPTION White areas better developed than in angolanus. White spots in cell and area 4 of fw fused with white discal area. Sexes alike. RANGE Senegal to N. Congo, Sudan, Uganda and W. Kenya. RECORDS Kenya: Cher ang an i, Kitale, Lugari, Kisumu. Uganda : Open country everywhere, except on high mountains and in desert areas. Tanganyika : Probably in the extreme north-west. (53) GRAPHIUM RIDLEYANUS White (PI. 10, fig. 5) White (Ann. Nat. Hist. 12, p.262) 1843* DESCRIPTION Tail-less, bright red with black markings. 5 similar f but more rounded, sometimes dusky brown. A mimic of several 28 large species of the genus Acraea. RANGE Forests from Sierra Leone to the Congo, Angola, and Uganda. RECORDS Uganda : Kalinzu forest (Ankole), Mubende, Bwamba. (54) GRAPHIUM TYNDERAEUS Fabricius (Ent.Sys±.3,l,p. 35) 1793. RANGE Sierra Leone to the Congo. (55) GRAPHIUM CYRNUS Boisduval (Gen. Spec. Lep.l, p.239) 1838. RANGE Madagascar. (5 6) GRAPHIUM LATREILLXANUS Godart (PI. 10, f ig.4) Godart (Eac.Meth.9*P*44) 1819. RANGE Forests from Sierra Leone to Angola, the Congo and W. Uganda. Ssp. Iatreillianu3 Godart. RANGE West Africa. Ssp. theorini Auriviilius (Ent.Tidskr.2,p.45) l88l. DESCRIPTION A large, tail-less species. Black, with pale olive green markings. The 9 , which is very rare, has smaller spots, pale cream instead of green. Both sexes can be separated from other species of the group by the beautiful metallic coppery colour of the un3. RANGE Cameroons to Angola, the Congo and Uganda. RECORDS W. Uganda : Bwamba valley (Toro). (57) GRAPHIUM HACHEI Dewitz (Berl.Ent.Zeitschr.25,p.286)l88l. RANGE Cameroons to the Congo and Angola. (58) GRAPHIUM UCALEGON Hewitson (P1.10,f ig.l) Hewitson (Exot.Butt.Pap.t.7/ 1865* RANGE Forests from Nigeria to the Congo and Uganda. Ssp. ucalegon Hewitson. RANGE Nigeria, Cameroons, Gaboon, W. Congo, N.W. Angola. Ssp. achoutedeni Berger (Ann.Mus. Congo Belge(3)8,l,p.73) 1950. DESCRIPTION Smaller and more rounded than above. Brown with pale ochreous yellow markings arranged in a continuous 29 band, in f'w. Sexes alike. RANGE Central and East Congo to W.Uganda. RECORDS W.Uganda : Bwamba, Port Portal-Mharara road (Toro) . (59) GRAPHIUM WEBERI Holland (Ann. Carnegie Mus.ll,p.l4) 1>±7» RANGE Gamer oons. (60) GRAPHIUM AURIGER Butler (Ent,M.Mag.l3,p.57) 1890. RANGE Gaboon. (6l) GRAPHIUM SIMONI Aurivillius (Rhop.Aeth.p.485) 1898. RANGE Gamer oons to Congo. (62) GRAPHIUM UCALEGONIDES Stand lag er (Exot .Schmett .1 ,p.!0) 1884. RANGE Ghana to Cameroons, Congo and Angola. (6 3) GRAPHIUM FULLERI Grose-Smith (Ent.M.Mag.l9,p. 234)1883. RANGE Cameroons. (64) GRAPHIUM ALMANSOR Honrath (P1.10,f ig.2) Honrath (Berl.E.Z.28,p.210) 1884. RANGE Forests from French Guinea to the Congo, S. Sudan, Angol a , Uganda, W.Kenya and Ethiopia. Ssp. almansor Honrath. RANGE Angola, Katanga, N. Rhodesia. Ssp. “Uganda Lathy ( Trans. Ent. So c. Lend. 1906,p.9) DESCRIPTION A small dark brown species with pale ochreous yellow markings; light markings not arranged in a band, as in G. ucalegon. Sexes alike. RANGE Uganda, N.W.Tanganyika,, W.Kenya. RECORDS Kenya : Kakamega. Uganda : Toror o, Mawakota,Bugalla (Sssse islands) ,Kayonza, Kalinzu, Bwamba. Tanganyika ; Bukoba, Muleba. Specimens from Kayonza and Bwamba lack the submarginal pale spots in hw and may constitute a separate race. NOTE 30 (65) GRAPHIUM ODIN Strand (Wien RANGE Cameroons to the Congo. (66) GRAPHIUM OLBRECHTSI Berger RANGE Congo. Ent.Ziet.,29:l,p.30) 1910. ( Ann. Mus. Congo Belge(3)8,X,p.85) 1950. (67) RANGE (68) RANGE GRAPHIUM Congo. GRAPHIUM Ghana to AURIVTLLIUSI Seeldrayers(Ann.Soc.Ent .Beige 40, P. 499) 1896. AGAMEDES Westwood (Ann.Mag.N.H.9,p.38) 1842. Congo. (69) GRAPHIUM ADAMASTOR Boisduval (Gen.Spec.Lep.l,p.37l) 1836. RANGE West Africa to Congo. (70) GRAPHIUM PHILONOE Ward (P1.9,fig.3) Ward (Ent.M.Mag. 10, p.152) 1873. RANGE Wooded areas and riverine forest on the coast of Kenya and Tanganyika, in the S. Sudan, S.W. Ethiopia and N. Uganda. Ssp. philonoe Ward. DESCRIPTION White with "black markings; may be separated from pylades and from tabor anus by the absence of the crimson and ochreous markings below. Sexes alike. RANGE Coast of Kenya and Tanganyika. RECORDS Kenya : Witu,Kilifi,Diani,Gazi,Kwale,Mtwapa,Mrima Hill, Meru (?). Tanganyika t Amani,Kimboza,Pugu Hill (Dar es Salaam). Ssp. whalleyi Talbot (Bull. Hill Mus. 3, p. 72) 1929» DESCRIPTION Inner margin of fw black, not white, as in philonoe; submarginal white spots larger in both wings. RANGE Sudan, S.W. Ethiopia, N. Uganda. RECORDS Uganda : West Suk. (71) GRAPHIUM LEVASSORI Oberthxir (Et.d'Ent .13,p.l0) l88l. RANGE Comoro Islands. 31 (72) GRAPHIUM LEONIDAS Fabricius (P1.9,fig.6) Fabric ius (Ent . Syst. 3 >1 *P « 35) 1793. Ssp. leonidas Fabricius. DESCRIPTION Black* with, very pale greenish blue markings; i+ appears to be a mimic of Tirumala limniace petiverana Dbl. & Hew. (Panaidae). RANGE A very common species throughout continental Africa. A number of distinct forms have been named and some have been given subspecifie status by some authors. However, in view of the continuous distribution of this species and its variability, no real subspecies can be recognised on the continent; there are two well marked races inhabiting the islands of Principe and Sao Thome, in the Gulf of Guinea. RECORDS East Africa s Ubiquitous, except in high mountains and desert areas. (73) GRAPHIUM KIRBYI Hewitson (PI. 10, fig. 3) Hewitson (Ent.MJJag.9jP.X4-6) 1872. DESCRIPTION Black, with a narrow, straight, white median band. Tails long and tipped with white. Sexes alike. RANGE Coastal forests in Kenya and Tanganyika. RECORDS Kenya; Kilifi, Mtwapa, Diani, Kwale. Tanganyika : Turiani forest, Kimboza forest (Morogoro), Usambara. NOTE Form ottonis Aurivillius (Rbop. Aeth.p. 492, 1898) , described from the Usambara Mts., in Tanganyika, has a pale green median band. Though treated as a race by some authors, it should be regarded as a varietal form, as it appears to fly with the nominate race. (74) GRAPHIUM ILLYRIS Hewitson (Ent.M.Mag.9,p.l46) 1872. RANGE West Africa to the Congo. (75) GRAPHIUM GUDENUSI Rebel (PI. 10, fig. 6) Rebel ( Ann. Hof mus. Wien. 24? p.409) 19X1. DESCRIPTION Black, with wide , straight green median band; in the apical half of the fw the green band breaks up into inter nervular spots. RANGE Montane forest in Ruanda Urundi, the E. Congo and the Kigezi district of Uganda; rare. 32 RECORDS Uganda : K&yonza forest (Kigezi). (76) GRAPHIUM COLONNA Ward (Pl.ll ,f ig.l) lard (Ent.M.Mag.lO,p.l5l) 1873. DESCRIPTION Black, with, very narrow green markings. No green spots in areas 3,4,5 of hw; 2 prominent crimson spots near tornus of hw. Discal spots in areas 6 and 7 of hw absent. Sexes alike. RANGE Coastal forests from South Africa to Kenya. RECORDS Kenya Thika, Kibwezi, Meru, Malindi, Kilifi, Kwale,Diani, Mtwapa. Tanganyika : Amani, Morogoro. (77) GRAPHIUM POLISTRATUS Grose-Smith (Pl.ll ,f ig.2) Grose-Smith (Ann.Mag.N.H. (6) 3,p.l2l) 1889. DESCRIPTION Similar to above, but green stripes and spots broader and more numerous and present in areas 3*4* and 5 of hw. Discal spots in 6 and 7 of hw small and much nearer base than spots in 3*4* and 5j no crimson spots at tornus. Sexes alike. RANGE Forests of eastern Africa, from Delagoa Bay to Nyasaland Tanganyika, and E.Kenya. RECORDS Kenya s Diani, Kwale, Kilifi, Mrima Hill. Tanganyika : Amani, Morogoro. (78) GRAPHIUM NIGRESCENS Eimer (Artb.bei d.Schm.l,p.233) 1889. RANGE Cameroons to the Congo. (79) GRAPHIUM POLICENES Cramer (PI. 11, fig. 5) Cramer (Pap.Exot.l,p.6l) 1775* DESCRIPTION Green markings broader and brighter than in polistratus crimson spots at tornus of hw usually present. Discal spots of hw larger and placed in an evenly curved line. Green bars in cell of fw. straight, as in 3 proceeding species. Sexes alike. RANGE Forested areas throughout continental Africa. RECORDS East Africa; All forest areas below 6000 ft. NOTE 1 Form laurentia Le Cerf 1924* with more iridescent grey on the uns and less black than in the typical form, from S. Tanganyika and Natal, has been treated by some authors 33 as a distinct race; however, as the distribution of the species is virtually continuous and both forms occur throughout its range, no subspeciation can be recognised. NOTE II Specimens from Uganda are usually larger than coastal ones. (80) GRAPHIUM JUNODI Trimen (Trans Ent.Soc.Lond.l893jP.138 j . RANGE Mozambique. (81) GRAPHIUM ANTHEUS Cramer (Pl.ll,f ig. 4) Cramer (Pap.Exot.3jP.7l) 1779. DESCRIPTION Very similar to policenes, but larger, tails shorter and more curved. Green bars in cell of fw S shaped, sexes alike. RANGE Very common; wooded areas throughout most of continental Africa. RECORDS E. Africa : Wooded areas below 5000ft. Very common at the coast and in Uganda. Uganda specimens are usually larger than coastal ones. NOTE 1 Several forms and aberrations have been described: evombaroides Eimer, utuba Sampson, nyassae Butler, lurlinus Butler and. mercutius Smith & Kirby. No true subspecies can be recognised. NOTE II G.antheus has been treated as a subspecies of G.evombar Bsd. by some authors. It must be emphasised that evombar is a very distinct species oc curing in Madagascar only. (82) GRAPHIUM EVOMBAR Boisduval (Spec. Gen. Lep.l, p.254) 1836. RANGE Madagascar. (83) GRAPHIUM PORTHAON Hewitson (PI. 11, fig. 3) Hewitson (Exot.Butt.Pap.t.7) 1865. DESCRIPTION Smaller than antheus. All light markings creamy white, not green. Tails long and straight; light markings in fw cell S shaped, sexes alike. RANGE Wooded areas from the Transvaal and Mozambique to Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Tanganyika, and the coastal areas of Kenya. RECORDS Kenya : All coastal forests. Tanganyika : All well wooded areas below 5000 ft., excluding the north-west. PLATE I I.P.antimachus d 2 P.rez rex d 3 P^thuraui cT PLATE 2 I P.dardanus dardanus & 2 P. d. polytropkus 5 f.lamborni 3 P*d. polytropkus f.o hippocoonoides 4 P.d. polytropkus 5 f.cenea 5 P.d.dardanus £ f .planemoides PLATE 3 1 P.nobilis nobilis $ 2 P.phorcas ansorgei 6 3 P.p. ansorgei 2 f . ther sandro ides 4 P.mackinnoni mackinnoni 6 5 P.leucotaenia <$ 3 Si . PLATE 4 I P.nireus lyaeus 6 2 P.sosia <5 3 P.hornimani S 4 P.b.bromius 4 PLATE 7 I P*e. d 2 P*j,jacksoni d 3 P® zoroastres joiceyi 6 4 P.e.echerioides j 5 P* j. jacksoni 9 6 P® zoroastres joiceyi 3 1 PLATE 8 I P.fulleborni 6 4 P.fulleborni 2 P* s. sjostedti cf 5 P.s. sjostedti $> 3 P.cynorta cf 6 P.cynorta 5 f.lavochrea PLATE 9 I G.t. tabor anus 5 G.pyladea pylades 6 6 G*l.Xeonidas. 6 ) \ \ PLATE 10 I G.ucalegon schoutedeni d 2 G.almansor Uganda d 3 G*kirbyi 6 4 G»latreillianus theorini cf 5 G»ridleyianus c? 6 G»gudenusi 6 s \ PLATE II I G.colonna 6 2 G.polistratus d 3 G.porthaon d 4 G.antheus d 5 G.policenes d”